¡bienvenidos a mariposa!

welcome to the mariposa website! my name is ellia, and i am so excited to finally share my project with the world. last year, in my first year of spanish, i started to feel captivated by the language and the culture of spanish-speaking countries. after becoming part of the zine community through The Star Collective Zine (go follow them!), i decided to finally launch a magazine of my own as a platform for creatives to share their work, whatever it may be.

empecé esta revista para personas que hablan inglés y español para expresarse con poemas, artículos, y fotos. ¡estoy muy emocionada para compartir este proyecto con todos!

i’d also like to quickly thank my friend and personal website designer, lauren, for helping me get the site started. keep an eye out for new articles from the both of us, and soon, some of you!! we are currently accepting submissions for issue one, which has no theme, but we are always looking for work either in english or spanish, and photos that reflect the culture in spanish-speaking countries would be greatly appreciated! we can’t wait to see your work! check the instagram (@mariposamagxo) for submission guidelines and more!

Mantén un ojo fuera para más artículos en el sitio de web. ¡presenta tu trabajo! Nos encanta leer tus escrituras y ver tus fotos. ¡Irse al instagram para más sobre cómo puedes presentarnos su trabajo! (@mariposamagxo).



p.s. i DO NOT in any way want to take away from what is happening in the world right now by starting this magazine. i was planning on giving 25% of the proceeds from each issue to a charity that benefits people in impoverished spanish-speaking countries, however, given the circumstances i will be donating proceeds from everything ordered on the site, starting now until the end of issue one, to the NAACP. for now, go buy yourself a sticker and support the cause.


black lives matter.